Polycystic Kidneys Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease affects 1/1000 people and there are about 5000 affected people in Hong Kong.  Contrary to popular belief, much can be done to help these patients.  There are PCKD support groups in many places but there is no such group in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Nephrology Group has organized a Polycystic Kidneys Support Group and we plan to hold the inauguration in February 201.  Our Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/PCKDHK/

All doctors, nurses, patients and relatives with interest in this disease are welcomed to join this group.  Admission is free and activities include health talks on the disease, dietary measures and other things to observe for PCKD patients.  There would also be sharing sessions from PCKD patients.

Those interested can download the form and send back by fax or email.